1. Internal and neurological complaints
All pain complaints, Burnout, Depression, Diabetes, Dizziness, Dysphagia, Endocrine system (including thyroid problems), Epilepsy, Phobia, Facial paralysis, Hemiplegia, High or low blood pressure, Sciatica, Mental problems, Migraine, Myatrophia, Myoplegia, Neuromyelitis, Insomnia, Schizophrenia
2. Muscle-tendon-joint problems / Chronic pain
Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Cervical spondylopathy, The hiccups, Joint wear, Shop-window legs, Hernia sciatica, Gout, Jaw inflammation, Neck-Shoulder and Back pain, Osteoporosis Rheumatism arthritis, RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), Spit, Tennis elbow, Sprains
3. Skin disorders
Acne, Allergy, Chronic eczema, Chloasma, Fistula, Shingles, Hair loss and baldness, Herpes zoster, Itching, Pruritus vulva, Psoriasis, Nettle rash, Neurodermatitis, Urticaria, Vitiligo, Warts
4. Heart Disorders and Respiratory Diseases
Arrhythmia, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Flu and Cold, Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart Beating, Cough, Hay Fever, Hyperventilation, Bronchitis, Throat Inflammation, Shortness of Breath, Inflammation of Sinus Sores
5. Stomach and intestinal complaints, Liver and gallbladder complaints
Chronic Hepatitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Gallbladder Inflammation, Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, Stomach Mucosa, Leanness, Nausea or Vomiting, Constipation, Postoperative Adhesions of the Bowel, Spastic Dike Bowel Disease, Chrohn's Disease
6. Urinary tract diseases
Blood pain or urge to urinate, Impotence, Incontinence, Infection or stones in the urinary tract, Overflow contamination, Prostatitus, Sexual dysfunction in men, Necrospermia
7. Gynecological disorders (Female diseases)
Amenorrhea, Uterine drooping, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspareunia, Endometriosis, Irregular and painful menstruation, Infertility, Ooforosalpingec syndrome, Transitional complaints, Premenstrual syndrome, Wrong location of the fetus
8. Pediatric disorders
ADHD, Bedwetting, Myopia, Concentration problems, Eczema, Growing pain of the joints, Indigestion, Whooping cough, Remnants of Poliomyelitis, Cross-eyed, Dullness and deafness in children, Fatigue
9. Certain ear, nose, eye and Age problems
10. Miscellaneous
Chronic concerns, Chronic fatigue, Depression, Recovery after surgery or accident, Hyperlipaemia (high cholesterol and triglicerides), Insomnia, Melancholia, Obesity, Cosmetic acupuncture treatments, Stop smoking, Stress In the event of serious illness: relief of suffering and improvement of quality of life
This list is not complete. If your complaint is not listed, then acupuncture may mean something to you.
You can contact me for more information
(Tel .: 010 4656 348 Mob .: 06 1806 4079)
For patients receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer, acupuncture treatment and / or Chinese herbs can help minimize side effects. In addition, the results in the treatment of different types of tumors are based on strengthening the immune system of the patients. You can contact me for information (Tel .: 010 4656 348 Mob .: 06 1806 4079)
Special Treatments
All pain complaints, Allergy, Burnout, Chronic eczema, Chronic fatigue, Depression Depressivity, Diabetes, Hair loss and baldness, Herpes zoster, High or low blood pressure, Hay fever, Impotence, Insomnia, Hernia sciatica, Constipation, Menopause, Overweight, Migraine, Neck Shoulder and Back pain, RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), Male sexual dysfunction, Insomnia, Quit smoking, Stress, Tennis elbow, Wrong location of the fetus ADHD, high cholesterol and triglicerides, cosmetic treatments
The following diseases (syndromes) can be treated by Chinese herb:
•Internal medicine
Allergic diseases, Arthritis, Anti-cancer (tumours) therapy, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cardiovascular neurosis, Constipation, Cough, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue (tiredness) syndrome, Gastrointestinal diseases, Gallstones, Hay fever, Hyper-cholesterol, Hypertension, Intercostals neuralgia, Infertility, Insomnia, Melancholy, Osteoarthritis, Poor memory, Prostatitis, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Vegetative nerve functional disturbance
• Gynaecology
Amenia(pernicious), Dysmenorrhea, Edema of pregnancy, Endometrial hyperplasia(carcinoma), Endometriosis, Female infertility, Fibromyomata, Goiter, Hyperthyroidism, Fatigue after delivery, Hypertension of pregnancy, Hypotension, Irregular menstruation, Menopause syndrome, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Premenstrual syndrome, Strengthening Fertility, Syndromes of uterus after delivery
• Dermatology
Acne, Eczema, Herpes zoster, Leukodermia, Prutitus, Psoriasis, Urticaria, Vitiligo
• Pediatrics
Anorexia, Convulsion, Eczema, Enuresis, Indigestion, Paratitis, Pneumonia, Whooping-cough, Wheeze, Over-activity Concentration problem, Tiredness, Growth-pain in the joints
• Urological
Acute infection in the urinary system, Chronic urinary infection, Functional disorder of sexual by man, Impotence, Male infertility, Prostatitis, Urinary stone